16th September 2024

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Serving the people of Baildon

Stall at the Farmers Market - Saturday 28th August

Baildon Tree Partnership will be running a stall at the Baildon Farmers market on August the 28th. 9:00am to 1:00pm.We will have updates and displays available on tree planting plans in Baildon - we will be interested to hear your thoughts on what we have planned.Come and have a go at our tree quiz and enter the raffle for a locally made bird box.There will also be a display & information by Baildon & Shipley Friends of the Earth.

Tree Planting at Pennithorne Green

National Tree Week is the UK's largest annual tree celebration, marking the start of the winter tree planting season (November to March each year). This year, it's taking place 28 November – 6 December.As part of the local contribution there are plans to plant several trees on Pennithorne Green, on land near Baildon Golf Club. Baildon Tree Partnership is teaming up with other local volunteers to plant a number of trees which will include Elder, Rowan, Silver Birch, Holly and Hazel.The planting will follow Covid Secure planting guidelines and will take place subject to restrictions current at the time.

A good week for the Baildon Tree Planting Partnership

The Baildon Tree Partnership had a fantastic week last week. During Wednesday afternoon (26 Feb) and Saturday (29 Feb) nearly 500 trees were planted on a field to the west of Glenaire Primary School just off Thompson Lane. To reduce waste, recycled plastic tubes and ties were used to protect the trees from deer.

On Wednesday afternoon over 250 trees were planted by a large group of residents, community groups and schoolchildren from Glenaire Primary School who had a great time planting trees, rolling in mulch and generally getting muddy (sorry parents). This was a real opportunity for them to get involved in the fight against climate change in a meaningful but fun way.

The one blot on the landscape was that during Wednesday evening someone decided to rip up some fence posts and trees in a mindless act of vandalism – what goes on in the minds of such people?

On Saturday over 50 people were involved in finishing the planting scheme by planting over 200 trees. This included the Baildon Runners who paid for the trees planted, Baildon Youth Group, the 2 Baildon Guide Groups who used the leap day to make their #PromiseForNature by planting oak trees for the future. Also attending were boys from Titus Salt School as part of their Duke of Edinburgh programme.

The Baildon Tree Partnership was initiated by a Baildon resident Richard Nottidge and is supported by Baildon Town Council and The Forest of Bradford among other groups. The tree planting season is nearly over but the Partnership is already looking at sites for next year. If you want to get involved look on Baildon Town Council website or contact Cllr Alan Clubb at Alan.Clubb@baildontowncouncil.gov.uk.

First Tree Planting Event held by Tree Planting Partnership

Baildon Tree Partnership has held its first tree planting event. 25 saplings were planted alongside the River Aire near Higher Coach Road in Baildon. At least 40 volunteers came along to help and after a tree planting demonstration everyone got involved and the trees were quickly planted . The trees were purchased from Beardsworths nursery in Cleckheaton and paid for by Baildon Town Council. Once the trees were planted, wood chip provided by Bradford Council was applied as a mulch for each tree.

Everyone was pleased to help out and to see the trees in the ground. This year's planting will complement the trees that were planted alongside the nature trail last year.

The next tree planting event is planned for the 26th and 29th of February when the group will be planting trees on the field at the bottom of Shipley Glen tramway.

A big thank you is due to all the volunteers. Without them this event would not have taken place.
If you would like to get involved please email us at Baildontrees@gmail.com.

Last updated: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:20