Tree Planting Scheme Launch Event
Baildon Tree Planting Partnership Launch Event
The Tree Planting Partnership consists of Baildon Town Council, Baildon Friends or the Earth and the Forest of Bradford plus various volunteers and has been devised and organised by a resident Richard Nottidge with the aim of increasing tree coverage across Baildon. This event, facilitated by Baildon Town Council, took place at the St Hugh's Centre on Coach Road, Baildon on 18 January and was designed to explain further to the community what the Partnership was, the reasons why tree planting is important and to show the plan for tree planting for this season.
A number of supporting organisations attended and there were stalls from The Woodland Trust, Zero Waste Baildon, The Swift Nest Box Project and Hale's Men's Shed. There were opportunities to build a bird box, plant acorns and ask questions. The event was a resounding success with over 60 people attending. For this season the planning dates are – Saturday 1 Feb, Wednesday 26 Feb, Saturday 29 Feb and Wednesday 11 March. Anyone interested in volunteering to help plant trees should contact the Town Council.
See the attached document for more pictures from the event - thank you to Daisy of Remember the Future for the photographs
Posted: Thu, 23 Jan 2020